Friday, July 24, 2015

Four Pillars of Good Health for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients and Their Caregivers

By Dr. Ethelle G. Lord
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease research has thus far yielded no prevention or cure. But that doesn't mean we can't still be proactive and responsible for creating healthy low-stress lives for ourselves and our loved ones with dementia.

One way to build health and lower stress is through the knowledge provided and the resources offered by the International Caregivers Association (ICA). The ICA promotes dementia care training and caregiver self-care in a variety of helpful ways.

Beyond the anticipated challenges of dementia care giving, stress is clearly a destabilizing factor for both the patient and their care giver. But stress can be partially negated utilizing the Four Pillars of Good Health. The Four Pillars of Good Health are easily accessible and affordable for all.

These Four Pillars of Good Health are the foundation upon which every person builds their health. Each pillar affects the heart, the brain, and all other bodily systems.

The Four Pillars of Good Health Include:
  1. Diet: A plant based diet with reduced red meat is the key.
  2. Stress Management: Practice yoga and meditation on a daily basis (call 1-800-481-7449).
  3. Physical Exercise: Appropriate daily exercise builds up brain health, reduces stress and depression.
  4. Spiritual Growth: Increases resilience and regardless of the source, it is important in giving hope.
The first pillar, diet, is critical to maintaining and/or optimizing one's health. A good traditional herbalist can often trace health problems to dietary deficiencies in both the patient and the caregiver. The ICA recommends a healthy diet rich in vegetables and low in red meat. To enhance the diet, the ICA also recommends an additional regiment known as the Four Horsemen of Good Health2.

The Four Horsemen of Good Health are four supplements and food items that can make dramatic changes in both the dementia/Alzheimer's patient as well as their care giver. According to its founder and this author, the Four Horsemen of Good Health can be a real life changer. For more information on this, daily recommendations, and other natural healing sources, please contact

The Four Horsemen of Good Health Include:

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Four Pillars of Good Health for Dementia and
Alzheimer's Patients and Their Caregivers

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